Kind patronage has made art flourish for centuries. Every visual artist, musical artist, dramatic artist you’ve ever known has had patrons. That’s how music gets made. And Bovine Social Club has been making music and merriment now for six years. We’ve cut two records with some of the best musicians in the Northeast and performed nearly 125 concerts in amazing rooms from VT to VA, sharing those stages with over 125 musicians. Now we’ve got some amazing possibilities ahead. And only your kindness can help us grow. So I’m inviting you to join our brand new family of patrons by contributing a few bucks a month for stuff such as rehearsal space, transportation, maybe hotel rooms in a snow storm. Mostly, as a patron, you’ll be making our unique brand of Americana music possible. Music: art that makes a sometime harsh world a sweeter place to live. So please check out the level and reward right for you and pitch some hay our way. All of us in the Bovine family will love you long time! Peace! Visit our Patreon Page Right Here Right Now!